The tooth fairy visited the Wright household...finally.
This past school year a classmate of the older boys' lost a tooth. This made one of my boys really want to lose a tooth. On any given day in the last two months Owen would tell anybody who would listen that he had anywhere between 1 to 8 loose teeth in his mouth.He had zero loose teeth.
That was until we realized that a little over a week ago Owen really did have a loose tooth. This excited everyone in the house.Then right before our eyes, the tide changed. Owen became terrified of losing his tooth. He went on a 24 hour fast in fear that he would lose the tooth when he ate. Owen even refused cake and ice cream at a birthday party. The following day was the first day of Bible school (Owen was excited to go.) Owen ate his first meal which was cold cereal. He seemed happy and satisfied to finally have food in his stomach again.
Before I knew it the kid was puking his guts out in the bathroom. Three times over. Owen was not sick in an illness kind of way. He had gotten himself so worked up that he might lose the tooth at Bible school that he puked. Darn that kid! (He did not go to Bible school that day.)Owen was able to gather himself together as the week progressed.
This past Monday out of the blue Owen decided it was time to lose the tooth. He requested to have the tooth pulled with the magic tooth fairy string. A very nervous Owen and Mommy got the string attached to the tooth and 1...2...3...
It was out! Thank you magic tooth fairy string. Owen survived his first loose tooth.
1 comment:
THIS IS TUCKER'S STORY AS WE SPEAK! This is crazy, Kara. Tuck's permanant tooth is totally peeking through behind the baby and I'm terribly's seriously pointed in the direction of his tongue! I'm putting off calling the dentist in hopes that he'll just get the dang thing out of there. I may need to borrow your magic tooth fairy string:-) His don't even seem that loose, though. Almost 7 years old and STILL a full mouth of teeth...yikes!
YAY OWEN! I'm so glad that first one's over with:-)
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