This takes me back to Stella. She adores her older brothers and wants to be just like them. She wants to be so much like her brothers that she's started to wear their underwear. Yes, I said their underwear. The second she has the opportunity to take her pants off she does. She will scour the house until she finds a pair of her older brothers' underwear, put them on and will act as if everything is normal. The underwear goes over her diaper and onesie so they stay on the petite 22 pounder fairly well. She will put them on the right way, inside out, backwards or inside out and backwards.
Sometimes I swear she thinks she's one of the boys. (This concerns me when I think of potty training.) Yet, on the other hand, Stella will put on her new sparkle dress-up dress and heels and prance around the house like a pretty girl. One day she had her dress and heels on with her brother's underwear. Stella definitely has a style of her own. If she gets in her mind that she's going to wear something, she does. Yesterday she chose to wear a coat all day long. I mean all day! She wore it from the time she got dressed in the morning, through both naps, lunch, dinner and everything between. Many have worried about Stella being the only girl with three brothers. As of now, don't worry about Stella. She can hold her own! I promise! She's got her brothers right where she wants them and takes full advantage of being the only girl! She's a smart one.
Stella wearing "the" underwear.
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