Thursday, June 18, 2009

Strong Man Owen

The big boys have been taking a class at the zoo this week. Everyday they come home with a handmade project and lots and lots of things to tell Carson and I. Tuesday night after Carson got home from work he asked the boys how "zoo school" was. Carson's response was the usual, "good." Owen on the other hand had an ear full for Carson and I. Owen informed us that he picked up an elephant and threw it in the flamingo pond. He, of course, says this with a straight face. Carson and I are amazed with our son's strength but are so impressed that Owen also picked up a rhino and threw it in the flamingo pond as well. What a kid!

1 comment:

Dina said...

Too cute!! Whenever Sawyer gets a mosquito bite, I ask her, "What's that from?" She says, "A dinosaur bite me."....such imaginations:-)

Love the music:-) Do you realize now that anytime I hear a JC song, I immediately think of your boys:-) Love it!