Daddy has put Carson and Owen to bed for the night. Owen and Carson chose to take their Magna-Doodles to bed with them this particular night. Daddy hears Owen saying "Daddy, I have a surprise for you!" Owen and Carson walk out of their bedroom. Owen has his Magna-Doodle behind his back. He says again, that he has a surprise for Daddy. Here is the rest of the conversation.
Owen: Ta-Da!
At this point Owen has revealed his drawing on his Magna-Doodle. It's a rectangle.
Daddy: What is it?
Owen: (Very proudly.) It's a truck!
Daddy: I love it!
Carson sends the boys back to bed. 45 seconds later....
Owen: Daddy, I have a surprise for you!
Both boys walk out of the bedroom. Daddy meets them outside their bedroom. Owen's Magna-Doodle is behind his back.
Daddy: What's your surprise, buddy?
Owen: Ta-Da! (Another rectangle is drawn on the Magna-Doodle. It resembles the first rectangle.)
Daddy: Another truck!
Owen starts laughing and shakes his head in disbelieve.
Owen: It's not a truck!
Daddy: It's not? What is it?
Owen: (Still chuckling.) It's a piece of bread!
God love the mind of a four year old!