Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Run

We all overslept. Missed church. So what does every good mother do on a Sunday morning when this happens? Let daddy sleep and haul all four kids to the grocery store to get donuts. All kids still in their pajamas with bedhead and bad breath, of course. And one child wearing a Superman cape. (You didn't actually think I physically went running did you?)

Everything about "this" is extremely out of character for me and made one of my older boys very nervous. (I couldn't believe it myself.) "Mom, do they allow kids in the grocery store in their pajamas?" he asked. I assured him this was okay only early on Sunday mornings before everybody else goes to the store.

As we were loading in the van I reminded the kids this was a special day and we don't get to do this all the time. Only today.

A few mistakes were made in our short trip to the grocery store to get donuts:

1. I opted for convenience over quality. Went to the store closest to our house rather than the one I know has a good selection of donuts and bagels. The stores are both the same chain store. How could one really be that much different than the other, especially when it comes to donuts? They are and the store closest to our house was once again a major letdown.

2. Did not buckle the kids in the race car carts, but let them push the little kid grocery carts. Four kids. Two carts.

3. Four kids at the grocery store, in their pajamas, walking around on a Sunday morning equals a lot of crazy and way too much energy.

4. Let the kids pick out which donut they wanted. This came after they saw the doors opened and touched (all) the donuts they liked best. I ended up buying more donuts than anticipated. Isaac liked a lot of donuts. Darn the brightly colored donuts covered in frosting and mini M&M's!

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Can you figure out who wore the Superman cape?


I guess I got caught up in the moment of this will be fun and something different and the kids will love picking out their own donuts moment. In all reality it really wasn't that bad. Of course I say this after we are home and the donuts are eaten. The kids loved their donuts and our out of character Sunday morning.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Light Sabers

On our cold or rainy days more of this has been going on in the house.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


When waking Stella and Isaac up from their nap the other day this is how I found them.

Stella was sound asleep. So peaceful.


Isaac was also very sound asleep. But when looking a little closer at him I discovered something missing.



Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good Times

Nothing says "good time" like waking up in the morning with a single barrel bloody nose.


Yes, I know this is disturbing, but the look on his face is classic.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


When the kids eat all their dinner they get to choose a "cracker." (Most commonly known as a snack.) Last night after Stella ate all her dinner she asked if she could have a cracker. She wanted a Valentine cookie, or as she said, a Valentine tookie. Her older brother had just eaten the last decorated/frosted cookie. There was one more cookie left. A plain heart-shaped sugar cookie. Stella requested a frosted one so I quickly decorated the cookie for her with bright red frosting.

As I'm frosting her cookie she jumps up and down in glee while clapping her hands saying, "Frosting! Frosting! I wuv frosting!" She then breaks into song. It went something like this, "Frosting the Snowman..." Stella reminded me how much she wuvs Frosting the Snowman and thanked me numerous times for her beautiful Valentine tookie.


I love you, Stella!

Valentine Trucks

Nothing says love like a large plastic truck with a Star Wars heart sucker in the back. This is what we got the four kids this year for Valentine's Day. Nothing sentimental just practical.

Carson and Owen woke first to find four trucks with suckers parked in our living room. They weren't sure if they got to play with them or what they were even for. After the big boys were told the trucks were their Valentine presents and they got to choose one they had a ball with them! They pushed them all over the house, had races and crashes like crazy. The big boys couldn't wait to wake Stella and Ike up to tell them what was waiting downstairs for them.

Isaac and Stella were just as excited about their trucks as their older brothers were. I was excited when it was time to go outside with the trucks. Things were starting to get a little out of hand with four trucks being pushed by four kids who all wanted to race and crash them. Luckily the weather was nice enough to play outside.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Preparing for the big day.

Carson and Owen got to sign (I made them sign) their names on all their Valentine cards for their classmates. This was quite the task. You would have thought I was asking (one of) the boys, who shall remain nameless, to do the impossible. The first ten went okay but Valentines 11-14 were very difficult. At the end of the task the Valentines were not only done, but completed in a timely manner thanks to a snack break which included the boys testing the Valentine candy each of them were handing out.

The boys were proud of their Valentine cards, but in all honesty I think it was the candy that did it for them.

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Carson asked if he could make a special Valentine. It was for his sister. He put a lot of thought into it. A lot of thought went into where each heart would be drawn on the paper. Carson wanted it to be perfect. We kept it in a special hiding place. Not to be seen by Stella until Valentine's day.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

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Wishing you a sweet-filled, love-filled happy, happy day!


From your Valentines,

Isaac, Carson, Stella and Owen

Saturday, February 12, 2011


After seeing "his" commercial the other morning Owen got back into costume and was using the Force to move things.

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Carson keeps asking when he gets to be in a commercial. He can't understand why Owen gets a commercial and he doesn't.


Seeing kids in costume is an everyday occurrence in our house. I never know who's going to be hanging out in the house. Sometimes the kids stick to a theme like Star Wars or they will mix it up. Last week I had Darth Vader, Superman, Spider-Man, and Isaac all at the same lunch.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another one...

Same story different day.

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At least it's a good story ... a cold one, but good.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day #2

Today was another snow day. It was a "real" snow day for us. Yesterday our day was pretty normal day (for us), but today there was no preschool. It was a true snow day. So what does one do when snowed in for two days straight? Easy. Play in the snow.


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The boys finally got to try out their new sleds.
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Stella wanted nothing to do with sledding or being in the freezing cold for any length of time. She joined her brothers outside for about ten minutes then went back inside. The boys on the other hand would have stayed outside for hours if I would have let them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day

It's a snow day!

We love snow days!



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We jumped and ran and played all day long!

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